
Owners please pick up after your pets.  Trash receptacles have been placed through out the community.  Keep Westbrook looking clean!

Dogs must be kept on leashes at all times.  It's the law!


Westbrook is a private townhome association.  The streets are owned by the Westbrook Homeowners Association.  Owners are assigned one covered parking spot. 

Inoperable Vehicles, Campers, Trailers, RV's will be given a 48-72 hour notice and then towed at the owner/tenant/ guests expense.  Owners need to maintain vehicles at all times, making sure the vehicle or vehicles are not leaking oil (damages asphalt), tires are not flat and the vehicle is free of cobwebs or debris. 

There is to be no storing of vehicles on Westbrook property.  These violations are subject to tow at the homeowners/tenants/guests expense.  Uncovered parking can be used by Westbrook owners/guests and tenants.  If Westbrook guests are parked longer than 72 hours, the owner of Westbrook needs to notify the property management company of the guests extended period of stay. 

Trash/ Oversized items

Owners please do not dump large items such as TVs, couches, mattresses etc. by the dumpsters.  Large items must be taken to a dumping facility.  Owners caught doing this will be fined and charged the cost of hauling these large items away.  Thank you!

Assessments-  Assessments are due the first of every month.  If payments are not received by the 15th of the month a late fee will be charged. 

2025 ​Open meeting:  6 P.M. Wednesdays Clubhouse

February 5th – Annual Meeting 6PM – Open 6:30PM

April 16th

June 25th

August 27th

October 29th

Board of Directors Meeting - Are held in the Westbrook Clubhouse.   Please contact Annette Copple at 480-967-7182 Ext. 105 or email with any items you would like to discuss at the meeting.  The item or items will be placed on the agenda. 

The Association pays for water, sewer and trash.  Owners need to stay current on their Association Dues!  

Latest news & events- Please check this website PERiodically for any updates.  

Property Manager- Annette Copple 480-967-7182 Ext. 105- Receive pool code and covered parking space.  FYI-  Management does not keep any mailbox keys.  This is a homeowner's responsibility. Homeowners can hire a locksmith or handyman to change the locks.  

If you have a plumbing issue and need to turn off water to the building please call Annette Copple. It is the owners responsibility to make sure valves are not leaking.  The HOA pays for water, sewer and trash each month.  Upon inspection if a leaky valve is found, a plumber will be called by the property management company and all fees will be billed back to the homeowner.  IF YOU ARE LEAVING FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME, PLEASE SHUT OFF AND LOCK YOUR WATER VALVE.  

Emergency on call manager- Metro Property Services.  480-967-7182, Press 1.

Non Emergency Mesa Police Department- 480-644-2211


City of Mesa Utilities- 480-644-2221.  Owners do not need to start or stop service with the City of Mesa water.  This is paid with owners dues each month.  

Clubhouse Rental Form- Click 

Owner/Tenant Form- Click 

Meeting Minutes

Please email Annette Copple at to get approved Board Meeting Minutes.  


Congratulations on 1st prize #252

Congratulations on a tie 2nd place prize #165 & #182 

Congratulations on a tie 3rd place prize #236 & #237

CCRS/ RULES AND REGULATIONS- Please refer to the Westbrook CCR's, Rules and Regulations, By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation with any questions on Homeowners and Association responsibilities.  IMPORTANT: READ UPDATED RULES AND REGULATIONS

ARCHITECTUAL REQUEST FORM-Owners must fill out an ACC request form and submit to the Board of Directors for approval before any exterior change can be made.  Satellite Dishes can only be mounted to block walls or on private patios.  In some cases Common Area.  See attached form.

Westbrook Townhomes HOA